
class qtealeaves.observables.TNObservables(filename_observables='observables.in', folder_observables='observables', num_trajectories=1, do_write_hdf5=False)[source]

Organization of all the measurements to be taken during a tensor network simulation. To add new observables in the container you should simply use the += operator as shown in the example.


obs = TNObservables()
obs += any_other_observable



Base filename of the definition with the observables inside the input folder and observables subfolder. A postfix might be appended upon need. The file extension will be chosen by the backend.


Subfolder for the observable input files inside the input folder.


Total number of quantum trajectories.


Up to now, the class organizes and accepts observables of the type TNObsLocal, TNObsCorr, TNDistance2Pure, TNState2File, TNObsTensorProduct, TNObsWeightedSum, TNObsProjective, TNObsProbabilities, TNObsBondEntropy, TNObsCustom


Add a specific observable to the measurements. The class of the observable added must match the predefined observables inside this class.

static add_trajectories(all_results, new)[source]

Add the observables for different quantum trajectories.



Dictionary with observables.


Dictionary with new observables to add to all_results.

static avg_trajectories(all_results, num_trajectories)[source]

Get the average of quantum trajectories observables.



Dictionary with observables.


Total number of quantum trajectories.


Collect all operators with some additional information. This function is just collecting the information from all observables stored within this class.

get_folder_trajectories(folder_name, params)[source]

Evaluate the folder name and add the trajectory id if running trajectories.



Name of the input/output folder for the simulation.

paramsdict or list of dicts

The parameter dictionary or dictionaries, which is required to obtain the output folder.



Modified folder name with the trajectory id.

static get_id_trajectories(val)[source]

Get the id for the given quantum trajectory.



value for id of the quantum trajectory.


Get number of quantum trajectories


paramskeyword argument

A dictionary with parameters is accepted as a keyword argument.

static get_seed_trajectories(params)[source]

Get the seed for the given quantum trajectory.


paramsdict or list of dicts

The parameter dictionary or dictionaries, which is required to obtain the output folder.



The seed for the simulation has 4 entries. The following rules applies:

  • entries must be smaller than 4096

  • entries must be bigger than 0

  • last entry must be odd

read(filename, folder, params)[source]

Read all the results and store them in a dictionary.



Filename of the output file (not including the path). This filename can vary for statics and dynamics and therefore has to be passed.


Folder of the output file.


The parameter dictionary, which is required to obtain the output folder.

static read_cpu_time_from_log(filename_result, params)[source]

Read the CPU time if it can be resolved via the log file.



Filename to the output file including the path. This filename can vary for statics and dynamics and therefore has to be passed. Function assumes that the log-file is stored next to it.


Iterator returns key, value pair if available.

read_file(filename, params)[source]

Read all the results from a single file and store them in a dictionary.



Filename to the output file including the path. This filename can vary for statics and dynamics and therefore has to be passed.


The parameter dictionary, which is required to obtain the output folder.

write(folder_name, params, operator_map)[source]

Write the information of the observables for fortran as an input file.



Name of the input folder of the simulation.


Simulation parameters.


Provides the mapping between the string identifiers for the operators to the integer index in the list of operators.

write_input(folder_name, params)[source]

(DEPRECATED) Writing input files for input processor 1 and 2.



Name of the input folder of the simulation.


Simulation parameters.

write_results(filename, is_measured, params)[source]

Write the complete measurement file mocking the fortran output. The assumption is that the results buffer of each measurement was set with all the required results.



Target location of the file.

is_measuredarray-like of bools

Array containing the information about the measurability of a given observable with a given backend


Simulation parameters.

Local observables

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsLocal(name, operator)[source]

The local observable will measure an operator defined on a single site across the complete system. This means that, if the single site has a dimension \(d\) we expect the local observable to be a matrix of dimension \(d\times d\). For example, if we are working with qubits, i.e. \(d=2\), a local observable can be the Pauli matrix \(\sigma_z\).

The local observable will be measured on each site of the tensor network. As such, the output of this measurement will be a dictionary where:

  • the key is the name of the observable

  • the value is a list of length \(n\), with \(n\) the number

of sites of the tensor network. The \(i\)-th element of the list will contain the expectation value of the local observable on the \(i\)-th site.



Define a label under which we can find the observable in the result dictionary.


Identifier/string for the operator to be measured.


Documentation see _TNObsBase.collect_operators().

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read local observables from standard formatted fortran output.


Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

read_hdf5(dataset, params)[source]

Reads the given dataset of observables into a generator. The keys of the dataset are (0-based) integers which correspond to the names of the observables.


dataseth5py dataset object

The dataset to be read out.

paramsparams dictionary

Unused for now.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.


Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_input_v1(folder_name, params)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_input_v1().

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Correlation observables

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsCorr(name, operators)[source]

The correlation observable measures the correlation between two operators. It cannot be used for fermionic operators which require a Jordan-Wigner transformation. Thus, the correlation is of type <A_i B_j>. The index i is running over the rows of a matrix, the index jj over the columns.

( <A_1 B_1>   <A_1 B_2>   <A_1 B_3>   ... )
( <A_2 B_1>   <A_2 B_2>   <A_2 B_3>   ... )
( <A_3 B_1>   <A_3 B_2>   <A_3 B_3>   ... )
(    ...         ...         ...      ... )



Define a label under which we can find the observable in the result dictionary.

operatorslist of two strings

Identifiers/strings for the operators to be measured.


Documentation see _TNObsBase.collect_operators().

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the correlation observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

read_hdf5(dataset, params)[source]

The data is written into groups, each containing the dataset real, and complex variables also containing a dataset imag. Check if imag exists and sum them up. The names of the groups are (0-based) integers which correspond to the names of the observables.


dataseth5py dataset

The dataset to be read out of.

paramsparameter dictionary

Unused for now (Dec 2023)

to_itpo(operators, tensor_backend, num_sites, de_layer=None)[source]

Return an ITPO representing the correlation observable. In the case of the aTTN the function takes care of diagonal terms of corr matrix with the disentanglers on them. These diagonal terms are stored in the order of looping over ii and jj.


operators: TNOperators

The operator class

tensor_backend: instance of TensorBackend

Tensor backend of the simulation

num_sites: int

Number of sites of the state

de_layerDELayer or None, optional

Disentangler layer for which the iTPO layer is created Default to None (standard TN with no disentanglers)



The ITPO class

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsCorr4(name, operators)[source]

Measure the correlation of four operators. This measurement does not do any projections. We skip entries where two or more of the four indices match, e.g., i1 = i2.



Define a label under which we can find the observable in the result dictionary.

operatorlist of four strings

Identifiers / strings for the operators to be measured.


Restrictions apply in the case of symmetric tensor, where the measurement might not be available even if it is available without symmetries.


Documentation see _TNObsBase.collect_operators().

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the correlation observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

read_hdf5(dataset, params)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.read_hdf5().

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Custom correlation observables

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsCustom(name, operators, site_indices, dim=1, mapping='HilbertCurveMap', lattice=None)[source]

The custom observable measures the term of arbitrary size over the arbitrary positions. Thus, the observable is of type <A_i B_j ... C_k>. The results are stored in 1D array, with the order as provided in input. All operators in the measured n-body term must be placed on different sites, i != j != … != k”.

If the system is 2d or 3d, user can provide the positions of measurements either in the already flattened, i.e. 1d indexing, or as 2d/3d indexing. In the latter case, additional arguments (see below) must be provided.



Define a label under which we can find the observable in the result dictionary.

operatorslist (of length term_size) of strings

Identifiers/strings for the operators to be measured.

site_indiceslist of lists

On which sites we want to measure specified operators. E.g. if we want to measure 2-body correlators on sites [1,2] and [3,4], site_indices=[[1,2],[3,4]]. REMARK: counting starts at 0.

If working with 2d/3d systems:

dim1, 2, or 3, optional

Dimensionality of the lattice (1d, 2d, 3d) Default is 1.

mappingstring or instance of HilbertCurveMap, optional

If dim != 1, which 2d/3d to 1d mapping to use. Possible inputs are: ‘HilbertCurveMap’, ‘SnakeMap’, and ‘ZigZagMap’. Default is ‘HilbertCurveMap’.

latticelist, optional

If working with 2d or 3d systems, a lattice size must be given to compute the corresponding mapping to 1d.


Documentation see _TNObsBase.collect_operators().

In the case of n-body operators with n>2, we choose that the bulk operators have label ‘r’. However, note that this has limitations if the symmetry number changes.

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

get_sites_1d(site_indices, dim, lattice, mapping)[source]

In the case of 2D, or 3D input of the measurement position sites, give back the flattened (mapped to 1d) array for measurement position sites.


site_indiceslist of measurement positions

On which sites we want to measure specified operators. REMARK: counting starts at 0.

dim2 or 3

Dimensionality of the lattice (2d, 3d)

latticelist, optional

Lattice size.

mappingstring or instance of HilbertCurveMap

If dim != 1, which 2d/3d to 1d mapping to use. Possible inputs are: ‘HilbertCurveMap’, ‘SnakeMap’, and ‘ZigZagMap’.

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the correlation observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

to_itpo(operators, tensor_backend, num_sites)[source]

Return an ITPO representing the custom correlation observable. Since custom corr don’t handle diagonal terms, the function is same for TTN and aTTN.


operators: TNOperators

The operator class

tensor_backend: instance of TensorBackend

Tensor backend of the simulation

num_sites: int

Number of sites of the state



The ITPO class

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Time correlators

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsTZeroCorr(name, operators, site_idx)[source]



Define a label under which we can finde the observable in the result dictionary.

operatorlist of two strings

Identifiers/strings for the operators to be measured. The first operator is applied at t=0, the second at all t during measurements of the time evolution.


Specify on which site the first operator should be measured on.


Documentation see _TNObsBase.collect_operators().

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the time correlator obsverable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Tensor product

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsTensorProduct(name, operators, sites)[source]

Observables which are tensor product between one-site or two-site operators.

This observable enables the computation of observables of the following form. On a tensor network with \(n\) sites we can measure \(O\) of the form:

\[O = o_0 \otimes o_2 \otimes o_3 \otimes \dots \otimes o_{n-1}\]

where the different local observables \(o_i\) might be different or even be the identity.

The output of the measurement will be a dictionary where:

  • The key is the name of the observable

  • The value is its expectation value

An example of such an observable is the Parity of the system. If we work on a system of qubits, then to measure the parity we simply have to use \(o_i=o_j=\sigma_z \; \forall \; i,j\in\{0, n-1\}\), where \(\sigma_z\) is the Pauli matrix.


name: str

Name to identify the observable

operators: list of str or str

Idenitifiers/names for the operators to be measured. If str the same operator is applied to the whole MPS

sites: list of int or int

Indexes to which the operators should be applied, in the same order. If int instead it is the size of the chain, and the operator is assumed to be applied to each site of the tensor network

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the correlation observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Write the results mocking a fortran output



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

Weighted sum of tensor products

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsWeightedSum(name, tp_operators, coeffs, use_itpo=False)[source]

Class to measure observables which is the weighted sum of tensor product, which means of the type

\[O = \sum_{i=0}^m \alpha_i\left( o_1^i\otimes o_2^i \otimes \dots \otimes o_n^i \right)\]

where \(m\) is the number of addends and \(n\) the number of sites. For further informations about the single observable \(O_i=o_1^i\otimes o_2^i \otimes \dots \otimes o_n^i\) see the documentation of TNObsTensorProduct.

The output of the measurement will be a dictionary where:

  • The key is the name of the observable

  • The value is its expectation value

An example of this observable are Pauli decompositions of Hamiltonian, i.e. Hamiltonians written as a weighted sum of tensor product operators formed by Pauli matrices. They are usually used in the Quantum chemistry applications, such as the Variational Quantum Eigensolver.


name: str

Name to identify the observable

tp_operators: TNObsTensorProduct

Tensor product observables. Its length, i.e. the number of tensor product observables contained in it, should be the same of the number of complex coefficients.

coeffs: list of complex

Coefficients of the weighted sum for each tp_operators

use_itpo: bool, optional

If True, measure using ITPO. Default to False. Consumed in python.

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

classmethod from_pauli_string(name, pauli_string, use_itpo=False)[source]

Initialize the observable from a qiskit chemistry pauli string format. First, outside of the function use the WeightedPauliOperator method to_dict() and then give that dict as input to this function


name: str

Name of the observable

pauli_string: dict

Dictionary of pauli strings

use_itpo: bool, optional

If True, measure using ITPO. Default to False. Consumed in python.



The weighted sum observable initialized from the pauli dictionary

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the correlation observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

to_itpo(operators, tensor_backend, num_sites)[source]

Return an ITPO represented the weighted sum observable


operators: TNOperators

The operator class

tensor_backend: instance of TensorBackend

Tensor backend of the simulation

num_sites: int

Number of sites in the state to be measures



The ITPO class

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Write the results mocking a fortran output



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

Bond entropy

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsBondEntropy[source]

Observable to enable the measurement of the Von Neumann bond entropy at the end of a circuit. If the state is pure, than this measurement is equal to the entanglement. Otherwise it is not well defined. Given a quantum state of \(n\) sites \(|\psi\rangle\) the Von Neumann entropy of the bipartition \(A(B)\) with \(n_{A(B)}\) sites is defined as:

\[S_V(\rho_A) = -\mathrm{Tr} \rho_A\ln(\rho_A), \quad \rho_A=\mathrm{Tr}_B\left( |\psi\rangle\langle\psi|\right)\]

This value should be computed using the natural logarithm, i.e. the logarithm in base \(e\).

The output of the measurement will be a dictionary, where:

  • As keys, we report on continous range of site which form the first bipartition. For example, the continuous range (4, 5) has the bipartitions [4, 5] vs [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7]. An MPS will define the first bipartitions in the different cuts as (0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), etc.

  • Indices are python indices starting at zero in the keys.

  • As value the result of \(S_V\). Natural log is used for both MPS and TTN.

The expression above for the computation of the bond entropy is quite complex. Using tensor network we can strongly simplify it, using the singular values \(s_i\) “stored” in the link. This is equivalent to look at the eigenvalues \(\lambda_i\) of the reduced density matrix \(\rho_A\) for a pure system like MPS and TTN:

\[S_V(\rho_A) = -\sum_{i} \lambda_i \ln(\lambda_i) = -\sum_{i} s_i^2 \ln(s_i^2)\]
classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the projective measurement observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Write the results mocking a fortran output



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.


If True, the backend can measure the observable

Distance to pure states

class qtealeaves.observables.TNDistance2Pure(name, path_to_state)[source]

Distance observable will measure the distance of the quantum system to one or more pure states defined within this observable as filenames. We measure the overlap and return a complex number \(\rangle\phi | \psi\langle\).



Define a label under which we can find the observable in the result dictionary.


Filename to the state. The default extension for formatted Fortran TTNs is .ttn and for unformatted Fortran TTNs is .ttnbin. Other file extension might be added.

static check_extension(path_to_state)[source]

Check that the file uses a valid file extension at least readable by some simulation.

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read distance observables from standard formatted fortran output.


Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about these measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Probabilities of projective measurements via tree

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsProbabilities(prob_type='U', num_samples=100, prob_threshold=0.9, qiskit_convention=False)[source]

Observable to measure the probabilities of the state configurations at the end of an evolution. The probabilities are computed following a probability tree, where each node is a site, and has a number of childs equal to the local dimension \(d\) of the site. We keep track of the probabilities of the paths from the root to the leaves. The leaves identify the final state. For example, a state written as

\[|\psi\rangle = \sqrt{N}\left(|00\rangle + |01\rangle + 2|11\rangle\right)\]

with \(N=\frac{1}{6}\) will have the following probability tree. Branches going left measures \(0\) while branches on the right measures \(1\). The ordering here is the right-most site being the index-0 site.

          ----o----             # No measure, state s2,s1
   p=1/6/            \p=5/6     # First measure, states s2,0 or s2,1
       o              o
p=1/6/   \p=0  p=1/6/   \p=4/6  # Second measure, states 0,0 or 0,1 or 1,1
    00   10        01   11

There are three possible ways of computing the probability:

  • Going down evenly on the tree, which means following ALL possible paths at the same time, and discarding paths which probability is below an input threshold \(\epsilon\). You might have no outputs, if all the branches has a probability \(p<\epsilon\).

  • Going down greedily on the tree, which means following each time the path with highest probability, until the total probability measured is more then a threshold \(\mathcal{E}\). This procedure is dangerous, since it can take an exponentially-long time if \(\mathcal{E}\) is too high.

  • Going down unbiasedly on the tree, which means drawing a num_sumples uniformly distributed random numbers \(u\sim U(0,1)\) and ending in the leaf which probability interval \([p_{\mathrm{low}}, p_{\mathrm{high}}]\) is such that \(u\in [p_{\mathrm{low}}, p_{\mathrm{high}}]\). This is the suggested method. See http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.10330 for additional details.

The result of the observable will be a dictionary where:

  • the keys are the measured state on a given basis

  • the values are the probabilities of measuring the key for the even and greedy approach, while they are the probability intervals for the unbiased approach.


prob_type: str, optional

The type of probability measure. Default to ‘U’. Available: - ‘U’, unbiased - ‘G’, greedy - ‘E’, even. Also implemented in Fortran backend

num_samples: int, optional

Number of samples for the unbiased prob_type. Default to 100. If a list is passed, the function is called multiple times with that list of parameters.

prob_threshold: float, optional

probability treshold for prob_type=(‘G’, ‘E’). Default to 0.9.

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If you should use the qiskit convention when measuring, i.e. least significant qubit on the right. Default to False.

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the projective measurement observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Probabilities of projective measurements via intervals

class qtealeaves.observables.TNObsProjective(num_shots, qiskit_convention=False)[source]

Observable to enable the final projective measurements after the evolution. This observable is meant to give single-shot measurements: the system is projectively measured a number of times equal to num_shots, such that the user can observe a statistic of the distribution of the state.

The result of the observable will be a dictionary where:

  • the keys are the measured state on a given basis

  • the values are the number of occurrences of the keys in the num_shots single shots measurements

As an example, if we work with qubits, we measure on the computational base and we end up with the state \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|00\rangle+|11\rangle)\), requesting 1000 num_shots we will end up with the following result: {'00' : 505, '11' : 495}. Take into account that the measurement is probabilistic and such is will only be an approximation of the true probability distribution, that in the example case would be \(p_{00}=p_{11}=0.5\).



Number of projective measurements

qiskit_conventionbool, optional

If you should use the qiskit convention when measuring, i.e. least significant qubit on the right. Default to False.

add_trajectories(all_results, new)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.add_trajectories().

avg_trajectories(all_results, num_trajectories)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.avg_trajectories().

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read the measurements of the projective measurement observable from fortran.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Write the results mocking a fortran output



Write the information about the measurements to this filehandle.

Saving states as a file

class qtealeaves.observables.TNState2File(name, formatting)[source]

Write the state to a file.

We stress that saving the state to a file will enable to further measure observables, since you will have available all the informations you had at the end of the simulation.


While saving the state can be useful, it can really slow down the evolution when it is saved at each time-step of a time evolution. Please use this observable carefully! Reference to the description on the backend for more specific informations.



Filename to save the state.


Specifies format, i.e., ‘F’ for formatted, ‘U’ for unformatted, or ‘D’ for formatted without symmetries. On the python backend, U is pickled, F is formatted D is converted to dense tensor and pickled (especially the last on is different from fortran, where the dense TN is stored as formatted file).

add_trajectories(all_results, new)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.add_trajectories(). Here, we generate a list of filenames.

avg_trajectories(all_results, num_trajectories)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.avg_trajectories(). Here, we return the list of filenames as is, no action possible for averaging.

classmethod empty()[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.empty().

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Read file observable from standard formatted fortran output.



Read the information about the measurements from this filehandle.

paramsdict (in kwargs)

The parameter dictionary, which is required to obtain the output folder. It is required to evaluate callable etc. used in self.name.

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write fortran compatible definition of observable to file.



Write the information about these measurements to this filehandle.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.write_results().

Abstract observables

class qtealeaves.observables.tnobase._TNObsBase(name, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Abstract base class for observables.


name: str

Name to identify the observable


Store the results of the measurement of the observable


Flag known by the backend, if True the observable can be measured by the backend, otherwise it can’t be measured.

add_trajectories(all_results, new)[source]

Add the observables for different quantum trajectories.



Dictionary with observables.


Dictionary with new observables to add to all_results.

avg_trajectories(all_results, num_trajectories)[source]

Get the average of quantum trajectories observables.



Dictionary with observables.


Total number of quantum trajectories.


Observables which require operators must provide this method, because operators with symmetries might not be written otherwise.


The problems are, for example, correlations with equal operators because they cannot be contracted over their third link.

classmethod empty()[source]

Constructor of the class without any content.


Get the address in memory, which is useful instead of hashing the complete object or for comparisons.

read(fh, **kwargs)[source]

The measurement outcomes are written by fortran and we read them within this method. If the format how the measurements are written changes on the fortran side, this method must be adapted.

read_hdf5(dataset, params)[source]

Documentation see _TNObsBase.read_hdf5().


dataseth5py dataset

The dataset to be read out of.

paramsparameter dictionary

Unused for now (Dec 2023)

write(fh, **kwargs)[source]

Write the information about the measurements to a file, which is later on read by fortran. The corresponding fortran methods have to changed if the write methods are changed.

write_input_v1(folder_name, params)[source]

(Deprecated) Empty iterator to comply with old input file. Specific observables which exist in the v1 of the input processor might overwrite this method:



Name where to write measurements


Dictionary with the simulations parameters.

write_results(fh, is_measured, **kwargs)[source]

Write the actual results to a file mocking the fortran output. Therefore, the results have to be stored in the result buffer.



Open filehandle where the results are written to.


If True, the backend can measure the observable